Our Sustainability Approach


We work for sustainable tomorrows.

We work with the motivation of saving energy, protecting the environment, improving the quality of life and social responsibility, such as the efficient use of resources, climate change and the construction of sustainable structures.

Today, living spaces are responsible for 40% of the energy consumed and 38% of greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized countries. These figures are a specific proof of why sustainability is so important. Therefore, it aims to reduce the negative impact of buildings on the environment with the right insulation.

"Sustainability" is the most important agenda item for FSMTHERM, which has been collaborating with the solution partner operating in the insulation sector for 55 years, as a company that has been trying to explain the contribution of insulation to sustainability for years and to raise awareness of the society. It is possible to both reduce energy costs and protect nature and carbon emissions significantly, thanks to insulation made with the correct applications. Therefore, developing products that serve the energy and environmental issues in its focus with its sustainability policies are among the most important tasks of FSMTHERM. . Among the features that our products should include, our priority is environmental friendliness… FSMTHERM mineral wools; It has the EUCEB certificate for rockwool and glasswool, which is only given to the bio product category. In addition, glasswool roof mattresses have the Eurofins Gold Certificate, which is the certificate of conformity with the national emission limits of the EU country. Thanks to the recycled materials used in the production of these products, FSMTHERM is able to issue declarations in accordance with ISO 14021 and also contributes to the green building certification of buildings such as LEED - BREAM. Also by adding CAM certificate to our documents we have managed to document our care for the environment in European standards

In addition to our products, we also attach importance to certifications in this field. We have been implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System that 1999 and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (certified with OHSAS 18001 since 2001 and maintained with ISO 45001 in 2021, in all production facilities and central processes. While ISO 14001 expresses a systematic approach that ensures the realization of production by taking into account the environmental impacts at every step from the first stage of the product to its presentation to the consumer, ISO 45001 predicts and analyzes all detailed risk potentials that may occur in the workplace, all occupational risks such as fire, working accidents and occupational diseases. It refers to the standard that ensures that the things to be done in the event of a possible risk and accident are handled, prevented and/or prepared for the risk primarily by identifying them.

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